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Item 377
Card Tricks with matching pillows

377 Card Tricks with matching pillows

Sold for $500


Donated By Esther Oberg of Salem Lutheran Church, Wakefield, NE .

Width: 110", Height: 99"

Backing: white

Type: hand

Colors: rose, blue, beige, dark green, white

This quilt was made by Eileen Krumbach and handquilted by Mrs. Ruth Braun of Superior, NE. Eileen made the quilt for her aunt Esther Oberg, who was a commissioned missionary for the Lutheran Church in Tanzania Africa from 1951-1991. Esther Oberg is currently at the Wakefiled, NE Health Care Center and wanted the quilt to be auctioned to help support Carol Joy Holling, another Lutheran project. Esther Oberg is 93 years old and is pictured in the pictures of the quilt.